Question: When I choose a printer is the choice saved on disk so that I do not need to use Chooser again?
Answer: Yes, the Chooser selection is saved to disk as the user exits Chooser.
Question: When I choose a printer do I need to use Chooser each time?
Answer: You do not need to use the Chooser each time you print. The Chooser is used only when changing printers.
Question: If the choice is saved is it saved on the current startup disk or on the disk Chooser resides on?
Answer: The printer choice is saved to the disk with Chooser on it.
Question: If the choice is saved is it saved only if the disk Chooser resides on is the current startup disk?
Answer: The choice is saved to the Chooser disk no matter where Chooser resides.
Question: If an AppleShare user who starts up over the network does not have a default printer assigned from the server, will their most recent choice be saved after powering down?
Answer: The last choice is saved as the user exits Chooser.
Question: If an AppleShare user who starts up over the network does not have a default printer assigned from the server, where is it saved?
Answer: This choice is saved on the server from which Chooser is run.
Question: Is there any difference in these characteristics between the Apple IIe and the Apple IIGS?
Answer: There are no differences between an Apple IIe and an Apple IIGS in these matters. The Chooser program is the same on both computers.
NOTE: The user's Chooser selection overrides the Server Admin default printer assignment.
ADDITONAL NOTE: GS/OS 5.0 uses the Control Panel for network choices. If GS/OS 5.0 is being used, the Chooser program is no longer needed.
Article Change History:
01 Dec 1995 - Changed title, added keyword, and updated format.